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Whether or not there are universal truths in the world is a topic of hot philosophical debate. Science tells us that there are many occurrences in the natural world that remain unexplainable or relative, therefore theories are constructed to explain, predict, and master phenomena. We know what you are thinking: how is all this science mumbo jumbo going to help me get beautiful hair every time I try and style it? Ahh, great minds think alike. So now is when we shall impart upon you a hairstyling truth we hold to be self-evident: there are certain methods and no-fail tricks to hairstyling that professional stylists use in order to create beautiful hair every time they touch it and we think every woman should know these tricks. Skip to see the hairstyling tricks now.
Just like the famous astronomer Edwin Hubble once wrote, “Equipped with his five senses, man explores the world around him and calls the adventure Science,” we say, “Equipped with her seven must-know styling tips and techniques, woman explores the world of hairstyles around her and calls the adventure Beauty.” Are these words of wisdom as profound as Mr. Hubble’s? Maybe not. Are they as true? Abso-hair-flippin’-lutely. Knowing how to properly do the basics of hairstyling is important for achieving beautiful hair or “mastering the phenomenon,” if you will. Every time you reach for that flat iron, blow dryer or fine-toothed comb, you should feel confident that you are using the right techniques to style your hair. While you may think you know “Hairstyling 101,” everyone can learn a thing or two from a professional stylist’s theories on beautiful hair methods.
The wise professors of hairstyling — aka the celebrity hairstylists we picked up our styling tricks from are Dickey, founder of the Hair Rules salon and product line who has worked with everyone from Sarah Jessica Parker to Rihanna, and Tommy Buckett from the Marie Robinson salon in New York City. With their help, these two experts of styling will give you a Master’s in hairstyling.
References Total Beauty
Zk Beauty salon has over 20 year’s experience in the Hair salon industry that’s why we are trusted and recommended by many customers.ZK Hair Salon Carrollton is the ultimate choice in Hair color, perm, styling, treatment, as we provide the latest styles and fashion in the Hair industry.stylists team working with precision to detail to provide beautiful bespoke hairstyle.
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